Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Crafts & Hobbies #61: Craftspiration!

I found a craft idea that is good as a gift, making felt bags for wine bottles. Making the pattern looks fairly easy. I like to learn by reading instructions and by watching videos. I think I am more likely to do a craft if I can see someone doing it. That way, I can see the steps needed before I try it. Watching a craft being done often allows me to see if the steps are going to get complicated. Reading instructions does not always allow me to know how complicated something is going to be.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pot Luck #55: Getting the Most Out of Facebook

I have had a Facebook account for a while now. I enjoy using the various apps to have fun with. The app I played with for this exercise is the movie app. I enjoy being able to see what new movies are coming out. I also like this app because I can see what my friends have seen and how they rated it. I add new friends every once in a while. I don't feel the need to friend every single person I have ever met. I have not used Facebook regularly until the past few months. It is turning into an efficient way to get in touch with people who I cannot call for various reasons. It is a good tool to use when planning group outings. Everyone can communicate at the same place even if they are not all friends with each other. Overall, I enjoy using Facebook.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Future of Media #81: Get Out Your Crystal Ball

I think streaming movies directly to your television will have the most influence. I do not think hard copies (DVDs, Blu-rays, etc.) will be thrown by the wayside yet. Personally, I enjoy owning a physical copy of what I have, that way it won't accidentally get erased. Streaming content is an excellent way to gain access to things you otherwise would not be able to see. I do enjoy all the extras that come on DVDs, like the commentaries and making of's. I have used some varieties of streaming videos and the quality is usually good.

I am not an early adapter of technology. I like to wait and see how new things will react with everyday life. It took me 5 years after the iPod was introduced to actually break down and buy one. Now I don't know what I would do without it. I do appreciate new technology, but I like for things to have the bugs worked out before I invest my hard earned money.

#80 The Future of Media: Movies

1. I have used many of the sites listed to watch movies already. I prefer watching movies on a TV but I am willing to watch things on my computer screen if that is the only way to obtain the movie.

2. I use these sites, especially IMDB to keep up with current releases. I enjoy seeing new trailers to preview what is coming out soon. I also use it if I find an older movie I have never heard of. I can find out what the movie is about and who stars in it.

3. At this time, I would not use any of the fee-based services. Too many bills pile up. If I were to one day get rid of cable, I would probably subscribe to Netflix. Overall, I enjoyed this exercise since it fed off of many things I already use.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Future of Media #79: Television

1. I use Hulu all the time. A lot of my favorite shows are listed there. I find it is a nice substitute for a television (sometimes). I mainly use it when I am somewhere without a TV or if my DVR cuts off the end of a show. I used Hulu all the time before I got a DVR. Many of my favorite shows no longer have full seasons listed. Now they have a rotational schedule (every Monday a new old episode takes the place of the oldest).

2. I have not watched a TV show on my cell phone. I use my phone as a phone and that is that. If rates were cheaper, I may one day get regular Internet access on my phone, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

3. I have never posted videos online. I do not regularly watch any streaming channels.